Reverend Sandi Dillon,
Rev. Sandi Dillon was appointed to Washington Park UMC on July 1, 2015. Prior, she served as pastor to the people of Grace UMC in Cheyenne, WY and St. James UMC in Central City, CO. Rev. Sandi began her work in ministry at Loveland FUMC as the Director of Children’s Ministries, and attended Iliff School of Theology to earn her Masters of Divinity Degree. She was ordained as an elder in full connection in the Rocky Mountain Annual Conference in 2009. Finding ways for theology to be practical and relevant in our lives and world is important for Rev. Sandi’s ministry among the people of Wash Park.
Rev. Sandi is married to Jimbo, and they have four children: Miranda, Jeremy, Jacob and Emery, four granddaughters, two dogs and one cat. The Dillons love watching movies, spending time outdoors and getting together with family. [email protected] |
Reverend Daniel Viehland,
Rev. Daniel Viehland was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, where he grew up attending St. Francis in the Foothills UMC. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences and Journalism from the University of Montana he worked as a community organizer. It was during this time that he received a call to ministry, attending Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC. When I returned to the Mountain Sky Conference he served two small, rural churches in Montana until he was appointed to the Front Range. In addition to serving here at Washington Park he is the pastor of First United Methodist Church of Platteville. He is one half of a clergy couple, having met hi wife, Rev. Anna Viehland, during seminary. Together, he and his wife have two cats, a dog, and a young son, Desmond. He is passionate about Wesleyan theology, skiing, Griz football, and ministry among the marginalized.
Erin Peart,
Erin has a Bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University where she double majored in International Business and Marketing. After several years working in sales, Ms. Erin shifted her focus to Early Childhood Education where she found her true passion! She achieved her Director’s Certification for ECE in 2015. Erin has had over ten years of experience working in the Assistant Director and Director positions in Preschools and she was thrilled to join WPUMC Preschool in January 2020.
Her sons, Drew (4) and Hunter (2), are enrolled in WPUMC Preschool and are able to learn firsthand from the highly qualified, amazing teachers who work there. Erin welcomes any parents or Church members who want to stop by her office to say hello or inquire about our Preschool Program. She looks forward to getting to know more families within the WPUMC community. [email protected] |
Sheri Salis,
Sheri has been a member of WPUMC since 2008 and has enjoyed volunteering with the Sunday School program and Vacation Bible School. She and her husband, Matt, have lived in Denver and its Washington Park neighborhood for 12 years. They moved here from the Midwest to buy and operate The Great Harvest Bread Company located on Colorado Blvd. They have 4 children, all of whom are involved in various youth and children's activities through the church. Sheri is very excited that something she loves doing--to help lead our children on a journey with God--has turned into a staff position here with our church.
[email protected] 303-204-1089 |
Steve Bondy,
Steve Bondy has been playing guitar at WPUMC since 2000. Born in Canada, he received his undergraduate degree in guitar performance at Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Ontario) and moved to Denver in 1997 and completed his Masters degree in classical guitar performance at the University of Denver in 1999. Working to bring the voice of the divine to the members of the congregation through instrumental, vocal and choral music is a strong passion for Steve. Steve is also active as a music educator primarily through the Music Together program, as well as his private studio where he teaches classical guitar to children through the Suzuki method.
[email protected] |
Kristiana DeYoung
Dustin Chitty,
Michelle Hoskins,
Sonya Clark,
Washington Park United Methodist Church
1955 East Arizona Ave. Denver, CO 80210
Church (303) 777-3043 | Preschool (303) 777-4143
1955 East Arizona Ave. Denver, CO 80210
Church (303) 777-3043 | Preschool (303) 777-4143
© 2023 Washington Park United Methodist Church