Membership: Taking the next step
Membership in a church is a very personal decision and is meaningful to different people in different ways. Respecting this diversity, Washington Park United Methodist Church encourages membership but does not require it for participation in the life of the church. All church functions, building privileges and our communion table during worship remain open to everyone. Church committees are staffed by volunteer members of the church.
Membership within the United Methodist Church will provide you with the opportunity to formulate a personal theology, as we are a non-creedal church and encourage people to utilize the Wesley admonition to “think and let think.” In other words, we encourage a personal spiritual journey based on your own belief system. New membership classes are held regularly throughout the year, typically on Sundays following the worship service. Please watch for announcements of upcoming membership orientation classes in the weekly bulletin and the monthly newsletter.
Membership within the United Methodist Church will provide you with the opportunity to formulate a personal theology, as we are a non-creedal church and encourage people to utilize the Wesley admonition to “think and let think.” In other words, we encourage a personal spiritual journey based on your own belief system. New membership classes are held regularly throughout the year, typically on Sundays following the worship service. Please watch for announcements of upcoming membership orientation classes in the weekly bulletin and the monthly newsletter.

In the United Methodist Church, we celebrate two sacraments: Holy Communion and Baptism. Because we are grounded in the theology of grace, and understand prevenient grace to be present for us before we even understand it, we baptize at any age. When a child is too young to answer the baptismal questions for themselves, the parents answer; later, when the child is in middle school, they are invited to a Confirmation class and process to claim their faith for themselves.
Our baptismal vows include a part for the entire gathered congregation, as we welcome the newly baptized into our community of faith. For children, especially, the congregation vows to gather around the child, to be part of their growth and nurture in the faith. Our congregation takes this seriously, and want to be able to make good on that promise – this means that we encourage families considering baptism for their young ones to be rooted in our community and committed to continuing a journey of faith here beyond the baptismal ceremony.
Our baptismal vows include a part for the entire gathered congregation, as we welcome the newly baptized into our community of faith. For children, especially, the congregation vows to gather around the child, to be part of their growth and nurture in the faith. Our congregation takes this seriously, and want to be able to make good on that promise – this means that we encourage families considering baptism for their young ones to be rooted in our community and committed to continuing a journey of faith here beyond the baptismal ceremony.
For more information on baptism at Wash Park UMC, please contact the church office at [email protected].
Washington Park United Methodist Church
1955 East Arizona Ave. Denver, CO 80210
Church (303) 777-3043 | Preschool (303) 777-4143
1955 East Arizona Ave. Denver, CO 80210
Church (303) 777-3043 | Preschool (303) 777-4143
© 2023 Washington Park United Methodist Church